About Marcel

Through the economic crisis to success

To be positive and strategic in economic good times is easy. However, to be positive and strategic in bad economic times is a whole different ball game. Your approach and planning in tough times is extremely important and you get to see the true character of the entrepreneur. Starting with the global economic crisis in 2008 to project furnishing and renovations and expansion by 2016, Marcel has prospered through it all. During this time, he also completed his journey from MBO to MBA.

As a young boy, Marcel already dreamed of entrepreneurship. He started trading in second hand bicycles and maintained gardens for a fee. In spite of dyslexia and adolescent headaches Marcel was able to complete MBO (MBO=medium level of Applied Sciences) but saw further education as too challenging at the time. After these difficult school years his motto is “when you have a goal you can achieve it”. His bad health in adolescence spurred Marcel on to become a fighter in business with passion and enthusiasm to build a great career. In 2002 he took over his first company Heering & Van Leeuwen who specialized in the supply of office supplies/ furniture/copiers/printers. In 2005 he took over Helder Engrave and in 2012 he founded Studio Heering. During this time the global economic crisis of 2009 hit the Netherlands but that didn’t stop Marcel investing in the premises where Heering was located. As the crisis deepened in 2010, Marcel continued to invest by renovating the entire showroom. From these challenging years Marcel’s motto is “invest in bad times and prepare for the good times for your customers and prospects”.

From MBO to MBA

In 2010 Marcel handed over the daily management of Heering to one of his young talented employees. This freed up time for Marcel in 2012 to realize his dream to complete his MBA. In 2014 he proudly received his Executive MBA degree and finally made his leap from MBO to MBA (MBO= medium level of Applied Sciences). All during this time of economic uncertainty, his businesses continued to achieved solid growth and success. To this day he continues to benefit from all he has learned through his MBA studies.

Marcel thinks in possibilities, not in restrictions. This is not a cliché. He is a man with a contagious enthusiasm for people and business. He still advises B2B clients regarding their office environment, furniture and projectmanagement. In the last few years he has focused on change management. He is a “Business Changer” for companies. He inspires organizations with his enthusiasm and passion to see how they can improve their ways of working through integrating business processes with their working environment.

Furthermore, Marcel’s ‘circular thinking’ is important when we look at the prognoses of fossil fuels, global warming and the impacts on the world. In 2012 when he started his MBA in the first year he undertook a research titled “linear economy to circular economy”. That’s the important basis according to Marcel. We must change what we are doing now on this earth in order to help the next generation. In 2018 Marcel attended a Masterclass in Transition Management at the Erasmus University.

What is his secret? Where does his energy and perseverance come from? According Marcel, it is simple, you must continue to work on your success through inspiration and education. Would you like to know more, contact Marcel by phone or email him.

Marcel is married to Joanne and has three sons; Ivo, Bob and Joep.

He is a real builder, no day is the same. No progress without renewal!

© Copyright - Marcel Hinderink 2020